Apache Avro
Apache Avro is a framework for data serialisation, primarily used in big data processing systems like Apache Kafka and Hadoop. It provides a compact, fast, and efficient way to serialise data, ensuring interoperability between different programming languages. Avro uses JSON for defining data types and protocols, and stores data in a binary format, making it ideal for high-performance, schema-based data exchange in distributed systems. It also supports schema evolution, allowing data structures to evolve over time without breaking compatibility.

Data Serialisation and Deserialisation using Apache Avro and Java
A step-by-step guide in defining an Avro schema and using a Java project to serialise and deserialise SensorData objects. Continue reading Data Serialisation and Deserialisation using Apache Avro and Java

Apache Avro Data Format
Explore the Inner Workings of the Apache Avro Data Format and Tools Continue reading Apache Avro Data Format

Exploring Apache Avro Definitions & Avro Schema
Apache Avro schema example with primitive types explained. Continue reading Exploring Apache Avro Definitions & Avro Schema

An Introduction to Apache Avro
Explore the Key Features, Limitations and Comparisons of Apache Avro. Continue reading An Introduction to Apache Avro