BPMN Script Task

BPMN Script Task

The BPMN Script Task article provides a detailed explanation of the script task element, including the BPMN notation, an example diagram and guidelines.

The BPMN Script Task article focus on the definition and usage of the script task element as documented in the BPMN 2.0 specification. The example process diagram illustrates the correct use of the script task. The BPMN Guidelines section contains a detailed set of rules that apply to the script task and explains how the element may or may not be used within the different BPMN diagrams.

What is a Script Task?

“A Script Task is executed by a business process engine. The modeler or implementer defines a script in a language that the engine can interpret. When the task is ready to start, the engine will execute the script. When the script is completed, the task will also be completed.” ~ BPMN Specification

BPMN Notation

The BPMN specification defines the Script Task element using the following description and notation:

Script TaskA Script Task is executed by a business process engine. The modeler or implementer defines a script in a language that the engine can interpret. When the Task is ready to start, the engine will execute the script. When the script is completed, the Task will also be completed.

BPMN Notation: Script Task


This article provided a detailed explanation of the BPMN Script Task element. Follow me on any of the different social media platforms, and feel free to leave comments.
