Camunda Tutorials, Guides & Examples

Camunda Tutorials, Guides & Examples

This page serves as the landing page for all topics related about Camunda. The page contains links to tutorials, guides and important links about Camunda and BPMN across the World Wide Web.

What is Camunda?

“Camunda BPM is an open-source workflow and decision automation platform. Camunda BPM ships with tools for creating workflow and decision models, operating deployed models in production, and allowing users to execute workflow tasks assigned to them.” ~ Wikipedia

Install Camunda

There are a number of ways that you can install the Camunda Modeller and the Camunda BPMN platform on your local machine.

Camunda Modeler: BPMN & DMN

The Camunda Modeller is an application used to model BPMN processes and DMN decisions. The following articles explain how to use the Camunda Modeller to model processes and DMN.

Camunda Tutorials with Spring Boot

Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can just run. It is possible to run the Camunda BPM Platform within a Spring Boot Application.

BPMN Tasks

BPMN Gateways

BPMN Events

  • [Implement a BPMN Timer Event in Camunda][camunda_timer_event]

Camunda REST Interfaces

Camunda BPM provides a REST API to allow other applications to communicate with it and perform a number of functions.

Admin Functions

Official Specifications

Business Process Model and Notation has become the de-facto standard for business processes diagrams.

There are many important and interesting information about Camunda. Here are some of the links:

Posters & Cheat Sheet

Camunda Examples

There are many official Camunda examples that can help you learn the Camunda Platform.

Camunda Invoice Example This is the invoice demo application which is shipped with the full distributions.

Camunda Other Examples